The North Carolina Triangle Coalition Initiative

The NC Triangle Coalition (NCTC) is made up of three of the eight Healthcare Coalitions in the State:
- Duke Healthcare Preparedness Coalition (DHPC)
- Mid Carolina Regional Advisory Committee (Mid Carolina RAC)
- Capital Regional Advisory Committee (CapRAC)
The Healthcare Preparedness Response & Recovery (HPR&R) Program was established in 2002. In 2015 our three Coalitions united to form the NC Triangle Coalition in order to collaborate on initiatives that cover the entire central part of the state.
The NC Triangle Coalition (NCTC) is comprised of regional healthcare partners such as hospitals, EMS, public health, emergency management, community health centers, licensed care facilities, and other healthcare entities with the purpose of enhancing the ability of the region to be more resilient in a disaster. The coalition provides a forum for all partners who have a role in healthcare disaster planning, response, or mitigation and facilitates preparedness initiatives as determined by our regional membership.
The activities of the Coalition are based upon the regional needs, the Healthcare Preparedness Capabilities developed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response (ASPR), and the North Carolina Office of EMS guidance. All initiatives are funded through the ASPR Hospital Preparedness Grant and through in-kind support from regional partners.
The Coalition serves the hospitals, EMS agencies, Community Health Centers, Nursing and Long Term Care facilities, Home Health and Hospice agencies, Dialysis Centers, and other healthcare-related agencies within DRAC, CapRAC I& Mid-Carolinas RAC regions.
Coalition Programs and Services
- Hospital Incident Command System and Hospital Emergency Operations Center training
- Decontamination Team Training
- Assistance with hospital evacuation training
- Assistance with drills and exercises to include exercise planning and writing, observation, and evaluation in accordance with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) requirements
- Assistance in the preparation of Emergency Operations Plans and SOPs.
- Training tailored to meet specific agency needs.